Minnesota Laws on Criminal Sexual Conduct
On Behalf of Martin Law Offices, PLLC | Jul 20, 2017 | Firm News | Being accused of a sex crime, particularly one involving a child, can...
Are You Accused Of Rape And Sexual Assault In Minnesota? Here Is What You Need To Know
On Behalf of Martin Law Offices, PLLC | Nov 25, 2017 | Firm News | Of course, rape and sexual assault are illegal in most states,...
What to Do if You are Accused of Molesting a Student
Your primary role as an educator is to impart knowledge and guide students in their learning. For the most part, the close relationships...
Sex Crimes: Age of Consent, and Sex With A Minor, in Minnesota
Imagine this. You’re at a party with some friends, having a night out, when someone catches you’re eye. They’re good-looking, vibrant,...
DWI Defenses
When charged with a DWI/DUI offense, one has many options available. Possible courses of action include pleading guilty, plea bargaining...
Sex Crimes: What is Sexual Misconduct in Minnesota?
If you’ve read the news in Minnesota this year, the words sexual misconduct have featured fairly prominently in some major headlines....
DUI Reasonable Suspicion in Minnesota: PART 1
Minnesota is one state that deems DUI checkpoints unconstitutional, but police officers can still pull over drivers who they suspect are...
Probable Cause for DUI in Minnesota: Part 2
In Part 1 we already talked about reasonable suspicion in regards to drunk driving. Reasonable suspicion refers to the reason an officer...
Here Is What You Need To Know If You Have Been Accused Of Sex Crimes In Minnesota
If you live in Minnesota and you or a member of your family is facing sex crimes (aka: Criminal Sexual Conduct, Possession of Child...
Facing DWI Charges in Minnesota
In 2015, there were 95 fatalities caused by drunk driving accidents in Minnesota, an increase from the previous two years, accounting for...