A Minneapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Discusses Assault and Assault in Domestic Violence Cases
In general, assault refers to actions designed to inflict bodily injury or death, or to provoke fear of bodily injury or death. In...
Minneapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Explains Gross Misdemeanor Assaults
While Minnesota has stiff penalties and possible jail time as punishment for assault cases, they are even more severe if the assault has...
Minneapolis DWI Attorney Wishes to Remind Revelers of Recent Changes
The holidays are obviously meant to be a festive time but for Minnesota’s revelers, celebrations should also be tempered with a great...
Minneapolis Criminal Defense Attorney On Marijuana and Driving
Many states are evolving their stances when it comes to marijuana, Â and medical marijuana legislation was accepted in Minnesota fairly...
Keeping Your Positive Outlook With a Minneapolis Criminal Defense Lawyer
Let’s face it. When you are charged with a crime, there is a lot of anxiety about how your case will turn out. You are innocent until...
Minneapolis DWI Lawyer discusses the Supreme Court’s Agreement to Review Minnesota’s DWI Test Refusal Law
On December 11, the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge to the Minnesota law that makes it a crime for a DWI suspect...
Minneapolis Criminal Defense Lawyer Discusses Lowering Sentences for Drug-Related Offenses
Minnesota officials debate on whether or not sentences for cases involving drugs need a change from current standards.  Overcrowding and...
Minneapolis DWI Attorney Discusses Winter Driving
As a Minneapolis DWI attorney, I’m used to dealing with drivers who’ve been in accidents because they were drinking or had taken...
A Minneapolis DWI Attorney Explains Implied Consent
Under Minnesota law, if an officer arrests you for a DWI with probable cause, you have given implied consent to be tested for the blood...
Minneapolis DWI Lawyer Shares Court System’s Shift in Opinion
When was the last time you, or someone you know, was asked by law enforcement to take a urine test? Did you submit to the officer’s...